Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thanks for the paintings Ken.

Ken Smith of Wyoming sent us some beautiful paintings.

From Movies

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Boxtales Project Blog

Check out a new blog tracking the progress of a new Boxtales after-school project called "The Ages"

Boxtales has been producing high quality family theater and educational programs in Santa Barbara for going on a decade and a half. We have long been enthusiastic fans of their work, and we are very lucky to count the members and families of those involved with Boxtales among our good friends. Antara & I believe that Boxtales offers something that is fun, unique and valuable to our community standards of education, aesthetics, ethics, and tradition.

Boxtales is a non-profit that deserves community support. Tax deductible donations can be made on their website.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Radiohead Santa Barbara Show now availible as NPR podcast download

It will be nice to listen to this show again. I wish that it wasn't a tight-ass mp3 file, but free is free.
Thanks Radiohead.



Friday, August 29, 2008

Blown Away By Radiohead

We had been looking forward to last night's Radiohead performance at the Bowl for months. I'm glad we were able to share the experience with Brother Jeff and -- driving up from La Habra: Preacher John, young-blood Johnny L and his buddy Brian who all came up in Brian's Honda for the evening. The scarcity of tix kept us from sitting near one another, but we did finally meet up under the Doremus Stone Pine trees on Anapamu to chat a while. Glad for that.

View Larger Map
Radiohead brought us a perfect show. It was amazing how much sound 5 guys (and a huge crew and sounds system) could generate, and if felt good to alternately let it wash over us and then study their actions with the binocs.
Antara was impressed with Phil Selway's complex drumming and Roy was impacted by the near silence of the sold out crowd. It was wild to turn toward the crowd and feel the attention of hundreds of people intently listening.
Beautiful rock and roll experience!
This video might get yanked, but here is a clip from last night's show:

Update: Nice Flickr feed of show pics:

from: Clap Your Mirror Say Yeah
Here is the set list:
01. Reckoner
02. Optimistic
03. There There
04. 15 Step
05. All I Need
06. Nude
07. Talk Show Host
08. Weird Fishes (Thom: "Cool beans")
09. The Gloaming
10. Morning Bell
11. The National Anthem
12. Faust Arp
13. No Surprises (we all cheered at "bring down the government/they don't speak for us)
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. The Bends
16. Karma Police
17. Bodysnatchers
18. Cymbal Rush
19. House of Cards
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: "This is for anyone who has had (plastic) surgery. You're going to be dead soon. It's all going south, brother.")
21. Go Slowly (Thom: "I didn't mean it about the surgery. Whatever you want to do")
22. Everything in its Right Place (Thom: "Nice idea mate." after crowd was chanting "True Love Waits!")
23. Videotape
24. Lucky
25. Idioteque
(via: Green Plastic)


Monday, February 25, 2008

Big Waves

On Sunday the beach was all a flurry with nervous dog walkers and parents staying on high ground out of reach of "rogue" waves. The ocean was HUGE on Sunday. We saw one family get in their car who was fully dressed and soaking wet. This morning we heard that some big waves knocked people off the breakwater at the harbor. From our house we could hear the waves crashing on the beach and the sound of boulders falling. 

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mammoth Ski Trip

We spent last week in Mammoth Lakes with family enjoying the skiing and the great company condo! (Nice perk for working at Yardi Sytems). In three days on the slopes we saw two days of spring like conditions and one of violent wind that caused closure of several lifts. The mountain can use some more snow to refresh the base. We had a great time nonetheless.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Did we mention there were mushrooms?

With pride similar to when I "caught" my first king salmon, I write to report I've "found" my first chanterelle mushroom. Dr. Bob exclaimed "Shhh, do you smell them? I just know we're going to find some chanterelles," as he stepped back to point to a waxy orange mushroom peaking through the dirt below. Everyone else was slow to jump on them, so I seized the moment!

At home I scraped off the dirt with a pastry knife, put them in a dry hot sauté pan to "sweat" out the moisture and cooked them in garlic and butter. The result was a meaty, tasty, mushroom morsel that was great with our eggs in the morning.

Antara is reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Pollan. She reached a chapter devoted to mushroom hunting the night before we joined Dr. Robert Cummings of SBCC on one of his famous mushroom hunts. Eager mushroom hunters fanned out under the oaks in Toro Canyon Park, and after a few hours time, we compiled our discoveries and Bob identified the mushrooms, telling us something about each one.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ranbows Over Paradise

We took a trip back to the Santa Ynez valley this afternoon, drove down Paradise road and walked a ways up the only open trail: Snyder.
Our hope was to find some interesting mushrooms, but the trail climbs up and away from the wetter areas towards Knapp's Castle. We were rewarded for our efforts with some lovely views of the snowy mountains across the valley and, when a rain cloud blew by, with a beautiful rainbow.
Antara sang rainbow connection and we walked back down.


New Feed


We changed the feed to Atom. If you already subscribed, thanks, but please consider changing to the new feed:

Subscribe to We Do: Antara Marries Roy

We hope it works better.
- A&R

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Antara Videos

Antara is all over YouTube these days.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Holiday Leftovers

I found this in the back of the fridge. I hope it is still good...

Yep, still good.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Ezra Video

It strikes us that making little vids on one's computer isn't really much different from watching TV; just a bit less passive, and no insurance advertisements.

We stayed up late Sunday to make a video slide show for Fance Anderson and Arie Jan. The star of this little show is their baby boy Ezra. He is a happy little chap and as you can see he is good fun at parties.

Anyway, here is the video if you are in the mood for baby-cuteness.
I like the way Antara worked the Happy Birthday riff in with the Reggae-style soundtrack. Choice.

Note to self: Let Antara handle the music.

Video Post

We haven't used the blog in a while.
Might as well get into it with some video mush:

he meditating on she

the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
